March 12, 2008


I saw you signed my guestbook from your 'new' home!!! CONGRATS!

How is it going? Hope to see some new stuff on your blog real soon!!!


Katt said...

Wow, I get my own post.....I'm honored!!! LOL

Things are going good out here. Miss my scrap space though. We are living with my in-laws for the time being, and I have no where to spread out. UGH!

Looks like your blog is doing well. I have not been over to BC in awhile. I guess I should stop over there and say HI to everyone.

Oh, and by the way, my sister (the one that was at the crop with me) she was wondering where that LSS moved to? Do have a web addy for it. to you soon!

Katt said...

Oh, yeah and where's the link to my blog???? :p